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During semester two of Digital Design at Tractor Design School, we were to select a website in which we saw potential to improve the UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface). I chose a Melbourne street dance school specialising Hiphop and Urban Choreography named Unitd Styles - the website was in desperate need of attention! Once I determined a goal, purpose, scope and target audience of the website, I was required to create a persona and perform a TRUNK test on the current site. I then developed a User Testing plan and prepared all documentation for user testing, which included a user testing information pack (consent forms), a user questionnaire pre and post, task cards/scenarios, card sorting material and a user testing record sheet. Upon conducting the tests on 3 target audience users and producing a report which summarised the findings, I then reworked the information architecture of the website which included development of a flowchart, wireframes and a website typography style tile. I then produced my final UI solution, and completed a TRUNK test and User test on this final solution. I really enjoyed this brief whilst learning the principles of interactivity from a users perspective.

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